Have you ever run your dryer without the dryer vent being so that this heat will be sent to the outside of this home? Many of you might have put this vent in the home to heat up a room during the winter time. But doing this only brings the chance of ending up with damage from all of the moisture or water that will collect on these walls. We all can receive this moisture damage at any time and doing this will only add to the damages.This moisture will seep into any kind of surface be it paint, plaster board, chip board or real wood. It will cause all of them to either peel, rot, chip or just fall apart. This type of water will run down these walls and settle onto what ever it lands on. You can also receive this moisture damage from the running of too hot of water in your bathrooms and even your kitchens. If you think your home is too dry you can send this moisture into the air of a room to help with the healing of a person that is sick only do not do this too long or have the water too hot.If you must use your dryer make sure that the dryer vent is where it is suppose to be and that the hose does not have any holes in it. You can easily buy a new hose but it might be another thing to put in the outside vent. You have to cut a hole through the inside and outside walls to install one of these. If you do not know the first thing about installing one of these then it would be best to call a professional to do it for you. They will have all of the right tools to make this hole the right size and to make sure that you will not have any leaks.They will be able to cut the right size hole and then make sure that you do not have any little creatures being able to crawl through this hole. They will also make sure that the hole on the outside of your home is covered as well. You should check on this vent to make sure that there are no small holes in its screen or if some of its vents look to be bad it will be time to install a new one.


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